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Wednesday, 7 January 2015


Living a meaningless life would be something easy to do.
Day by day, going around with nothing in hand,
nothing in mind,
nothing to feel in this soul of mine.

How do I get here?
How do I end up in this mess?
People deserve to live a life,
I deserve to live a life.
Life that I'll cherished,
life that I've dreamed of.

But there's a time,
when I forgot what's the point of living?
Why do we live?

I start to question myself,
Asking questions knowing there's no answers to it.
At that point of time,
life is meaningless,
life has no value.

A person whom go on without knowing the reason
has no hope on surviving,
no hope for living.

Passing the days like they are nothing,
watching every moment mindlessly,
when others struggle to live for a day.

So why do I live?
Is it for the sake that I'm still breathing?
Is it for the sake that I'm not dying?

If air is what I needed,
it wouldn't be enough to relieved the suffocating in this chest
that's been too numb to feel a thing,
to numb to feel the heart beating.

The world of mine is meaningless.
I'll soon be meaningless.


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