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Tuesday, 7 October 2014

If You Don't

If you don’t care,
then don’t ask.

If your eyes are not on me,
then find some­thing else.

Even when you tried to un­der­stand me,
please don’t.

Be­cause if you don’t care,
it’ll nev­er be okay,
for me to tell you,
how I feel to­day.


Saturday, 11 January 2014

Quotes Today!

"The worse part of being strong is that no one ever asks if you're okay."
- Unknown 

Friday, 10 January 2014

Poem Based On A Film Called HERO (2002)

A Doubtful Story

Two different words,
Two different meaning,
Emotion and colors
become one to tell a story.

Different path,
Different point of views,
Where lies and truth
remains in doubtful.

The king’s palace,
Black or grey,
marks the beginning,
marks the end.

Lies dwell in red jealousy,
Vengeance begins with hatred,
In this darkest state,
trust is shattered.

Sanity comes into the story
as the sacrifice of blue Sky
seems realistic,
seems more legit.

Innocence of youth
cannot fake the white truth.
Mourning of draught
will soon end
as my tears slowly
begins to shed.

will no longer be there,
because the truth is in front to see
Peace in this heart
is all what we need.


Two Weeks Drama Review

Main Cast
Lee Jun Ki as Jang Tae San
Park Ha Sun as Seo In Hye
Lee Chae Mi as Seo Soo Jin (Taesan's Daughter)
Kim So Yun as Park Jae Kyung (prosecutor)
Ryu Soo Young as Im Seung Woo (detective)
Joo Ming Gi as Moon Il Seok
Kim Hye Ok as Jeo Soo Hee

A man whom live a meaningless life, Jang Tae San, bounce back to life when he knew he has a daughter, Seo Soo Jin, suffering from leukemia and a suitable bone marrow donor to his child. Wanting to do good for once in his life, he agreed to undergo the surgery. But unfortunately, he was framed and falsely accused of a murder by his evil boss, Moon Il Seok to clean up his mess yet again. From that day onwards, he struggles to overcome the obstacles in order to save his daughter's life.

8 years ago, Jang Tae San and Seo In Hye was in a romantic relationship. Tae San was in a group member of a crime gang and Seo In Hye was a college student. He was prepared to leave the group upon his girlfriend's request, but his boss, Moon Il Seok, wants him to do some clean up after his mess. If he refuses to go jail for him, he will kill his girlfriend and make him suffer. At the same time, Seo In Hye just knew that she was pregnant. But Tae San suddenly changed and ask her to go through an abortion. He said hurtful things and broke up with her. She never got to know why after 8 years he left her and she never looked forward to start anew with him as she already has a fiance, Im Seung Woo, a detective.

For me, I really like the fact that a man whom live a meaningless life came back to life to fight for his loved one. The story is unique, different from the typical korean drama, but I have to say that throughout the drama, I stop at episode 10 for quite sometime. At first I didn't have the time to watch it, but after a week or so, I went back to finish it. The point is, if it was a good story, you will want to keep watching it. I'm not saying it's not good, but sometime the drama can be a bit draggy with the explanation of the things that the villains was planning to do. We never get to know it until at the end of the drama, which actually is interesting. For those people who are not really keen to hear such long dialogues, the drama will bored you pretty fast.

The good thing about the story is that we are able to watch what happen everyday for two weeks in Tae San's escape. We get to see his character develop as he overcomes the obstacles that he faced. We also got to see the different side of Tae San whom actually possessed a good and kind heart. He had many regrets and experiences which mold him to be that person who lived his life mindlessly. 

Apart from that, I would like to give credit to Kim Hye Ok who'd play Jo Seo Hee as a corrupted politician. Her acting was believable, and I sometimes have that tendency wants to punch her in the face. (muahahahahhahah!!) She's a bad person who is calm and can turn your words against you. Even though on the outside, she may look nice and fragile, but the truth is the other way round. 

Another character that I like is Mister Kim acted by Song Jae Rim. (Picture below)

At first I didn't like him, but throughout the drama, he kinda grows on me. First, because I like the character and he keeps me wondering where he came from or his background because he would kill everyone that is in his way. He's good in acting out as a heartless assassin who do anything that is instructed by his boss, Moon Il Seok. Second, because he's handsome. (Ghahahahhahaha!! <3<3<3) I wish he would act more in drama's or as the main actor in an action or suspense drama. 

The climax of the drama was predictable. I already knew what the next step that were going to happen and it just kills the thrill. Maybe because I've watch too much action movies and drama. Oh well! 

The ending was a bit confusing and I was hoping for a clear ending as in who did In Hye choose in the end, Tae San or the detective. But I think at the end is that, In Hye chooses Tae San because the detective said to her that, "Don't leave him alone. He is someone you will never be able to hold onto you." In my opinion means, that Tae San will always be feeling guilty towards In Hye and Soo Jin for not being able to give them a good life and will decide to walk away from them to have a better life without him. I think the detective can't ignore the feelings of three of them and decided to take a step back. Mad respect for you detective! 

All in all, it was a pretty good drama to watch even though there were some draggy parts. Anyhow, if you were in Tae San's situation, when your loved ones are in jeopardy, I think you would do exactly what he did in the drama.

Wouldn't you? <3<3<3
Rating: 6/10

Monday, 6 January 2014


Tangisanku, memori luka ku
Ku rindu padamu
Ku lukiskan wajahmu di awan nan biru
Beginilah hidupku menderita tanpa dirimu

Ingin ku lari jauh, jauh dari segalanya
Ingin ku matikan segala kata
Kerna sekuat mana aku berteriak
Kau masih disitu
Kaku dan tidak berubah

Mungkin salahku kerna terlalu mengharap
Sedangkan diri, hati ini 
mudah hancur dan patah
Ku lenyapkan segala 
memori tentang dirimu 

Dan disini untuk kali terakhir
Ku matikan cintaku buatmu.


Friday, 3 January 2014


I just have to say that this human being is freaking annoying, acting fake and decent and all that stuff fake people does.  So yeah.

So tell me,
how does it feel faking an insincere smile
how does it feel when you make people cry
how does it feel to be the saviour of the day
when the fact is you're the one to blame.

Do you feel powerful?
Do you feel strong?

Because with this silence it proves that you're wrong
so wrong that you keep on talking
and that talking are full of nothing.

Go on with your life,
your pity pathetic little life that you own
for it is lifeless without stepping on others
most importantly, faking to be decent.

Karma will come around for sure
and find your most vulnerable act
for you ain't nothing,
nothing but a piece of crap.


There's no direction to where I go,
I'm lost, afraid and cold
Initially it was clear, the path where I'm heading
But suddenly it felt vague, hazy and blurry
The will of my spirit has lost along the way
I couldn't find the strength
I couldn't find the light
In the cold dark night where nothing comes to sight
I'm lost
I'm lost in search of my own.
 - dz-